Creating a Meditation Space

Creating a Meditation Space

Creating a meditation space.

Creating a meditation space in your environment is a gift you can give yourself. People find that meditation becomes their sanctuary. It is personal, private, and sacred. Choose a spot that is out of the normal hustle and bustle of the day-to-day if possible.

People often choose their bedroom, a spare room, or a home office to create a meditation corner. If that is not available, it may be an opportunity to at least get the cooperation of others to respect your “time-out” in ways that make it possible for you to meditate.

Creating a meditation space

Consider adding plants when creating a meditation space.

It is also a good practice for there to be a point of focus for the practice. Many people create their own personal meditation altar. On it you could put something from your religious or spiritual tradition like a picture, image or statue. Or it could simply be a candle, a geometric form or a crystal. The important thing is that the object, whatever it is, symbolizes your notion of your own higher wisdom or spiritual nature.

As such, this place becomes your temple, your sanctuary. Keeping it clean, and neat also adds to its ability to be conducive to quiet reflection.


‘Real’ Meditation Spaces

We asked our meditation facilitators and class participants to share photos of their meditation space and to share what made their space sacred to them. Check out our gallery of meditation spaces.