How to Meditate

How to Meditate

How to Meditate Series

The aim of this How to Meditate series is to speak to many of the considerations that go into starting a meditation practice on your own and keeping it alive. It provides an excellent summary and overview of topics covered in many of the Inward Bound Network’s classes and offerings on meditation.

This series covers the foundational techniques of sitting meditation, setting up a meditation routine and creating a special place for your practice. It offers helpful hints and reasons as to how to make meditation a productive and joyful experience instead of another well-meaning obligation. Be sure to download our free printable beginners guide to starting a meditation practice that will assist you on your meditation journey.

The series concludes with some of the many challenges that arise when a person undertakes a serious commitment to a spiritual practice. Like anything we try to do for ourselves by way of self-improvement, eventually there are always things that block or distract us. Expecting that to happen doesn’t “create it” but it does help when the time comes to move past the resistance.


How to Meditate Properly

Meditation is an activity about which there is so much interest but knowing about it is not the same as doing it. To know if meditation “speaks to you”, it helps to be introduced to the basic foundations of meditation practice.

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How to Start Meditating - Begin at the Beginning

Successful meditation at every level relies on one’s ability to relax. As obvious as this sounds it is more challenging than it appears at first.

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Best Time to Meditate

To get the most benefit from meditation, it’s best to make it a regular daily practice. When is the best time?

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Creating a Meditation Space

Creating a meditation space in your environment is a gift you can give yourself. Tips for creating your sanctuary.

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Obstacles to Meditation

Obstacles to starting and maintaining a daily meditation practice, plus ideas to overcome these obstacles.

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Final Thoughts on Meditation

In the final analysis, meditation is the path that reveals and enlarges our sense of who and what we are, what we can become and how to “get there”.

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7 Steps to Meditation

Get a copy of our free beginner’s guide to starting a meditation practice.

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Meditations for Beginners

Try one of our guided meditations designed specifically for beginners.

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How to Meditate Class

How to Meditate Class

This recorded class presents several key topics for becoming successful in your meditation practice.

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