Peace Compilation
In times of turmoil and devastation, the aspiration for peace stirs evermore deeply and powerfully within us. During these times we want to direct our aspiration into action to add our thoughts, prayers and voices to those directly and indirectly affected because we know that in some way violent conflicts within and between nations affect us all.
We understand that creating peace within our own heart is the first step in spreading peace across our beautiful Earth. With that in mind and heart, we invite you to engage in the “peace offerings” that we have compiled for you here.
As you listen, become evermore receptive to the “Vision of Peace”, and let that impulse spread throughout your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. Peace is more than the absence of strife. It is truly wanting each and all to find the source of all happiness. Let the spirit of peace spread within you and experience the uplifting presence of it in your mind and heart.
Currently ground zero of the war is in Ukraine, but we are all - throughout this world - affected by this senseless invasion. And so in honour of all troubled, hurting hearts, we offer you the healing balm of the following inspired meditations and classes that focus on cultivating peace deep within and expressing it to each and all.
Peace Topics
Here is an index to all the sections on our Peace compilation.
Guided Meditations on Peace
Here are a few guided meditations to help you foster the peace within - where true peace begins. All the great spiritual traditions agree, an abiding peace is already available and present within our innermost being. Peace therefore, is an attribute of that divine nature which we share with all of humanity and with all living beings. However, to experience that state of being and knowing we require a method. The path is there but how do we traverse it?
Again, all the great spiritual traditions agree that the surest method to that inner state of knowing, fulfilment and perfection is through the practice of meditation. Meditation is the process of revealing the nature of mind. The frontier of your mind is the most challenging and rewarding undertaking you will ever embark upon. Through the process of meditation practice you will encounter and come to know the true nature of your own essential self.
Through meditation we move beyond judgements of good and bad and discover that we are simply human, we are who we are and therefore are neither no better or worse than any other. This recognition is the beginning of peace. It is the reconciliation of all our opposing judgements about ourselves and others. We can relax and remain open to the wonder that is within us. Once we relax in this way our inner stillness can reveal our true miraculous self.
Peace Meditation
This guided meditation for peace is based on elements from Deepak Chopra’s book, Peace is the Way. In this book, Deepak talks about the need for daily moments of thinking, feeling and acting for peace.{Listen Now}
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Resolving Conflict through Ho'oponopono
With so much conflict manifesting in our outer world at this time it is more important than ever for us to resolve our inner conflict. And this guided meditation using the powerful mantra of Ho’oponopono can aid us greatly in this. Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian method of conflict resolution. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Theresa Tzinberg
Mindfulness Meditation for Inner Stillness
This mindfulness practice invites you, via attention to your breath and sound, to bring your focus to NOW, this moment. From here you are invited to expand your conscious awareness within. This will open you to positive changes in mind, body and spirit. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Gay Vickers
Openhearted Peace Meditation
A guided meditation to relax your whole body, and to discover that place within of pure being, your True Self, where you can begin to sense the peace that passeth all understanding – the peace that abides in your innermost heart of hearts.. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Dr. Jana Rentzel
Inner Peace Meditation
A guided meditation to help you access the peace that abides at your innermost core that is always there for you, regardless of what’s going on in your outer life. And so even when you’re experiencing difficulties, this meditation will teach you how to dip into and be restored by this innermost peace. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Dr. Jana Rentzel
Cultivating Love & Peace Meditation
A guided meditation to help you experience the Divine Love and Peace at your innermost core and then to extend this ever-present love and peace to others. Living from this place of Divine Love and Peace will transform both yourself and your world.. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Dr. Jana Rentzel
Rainbow Terraces Meditation - Will to Love is the Cause of Peace Meditation
The focus of this meditation is the healing power of Love to find Peace. We journey through the Rainbow Terraces to transmute our reactions to and separations from others. So doing we increase the Love and Peace within. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Gay Vickers
Our library of guided meditations is always growing, so be sure to check back often for new meditations.
Recorded Classes with Guided Meditation on Peace
Several of our facilitators discussed the topic of peace in their weekly live class and below are the recordings from these classes. Each class ends with a brief guided meditation.
Our Prayer is for Peace, Unity and Understanding
In this class and accompanying meditation, we take the opportunity to explore all the different aspects of life that are triggering us within our world, to call them forth and allow our own natural reactions to rise up, to see them for what they are and then to clean these reactive patterns through the powerful ancient Hawaiian healing technique.{Listen Now}
Instructor: Theresa Tzinberg
Resolving Conflict through Ho’oponopono
In this class, and accompanying meditation, we take the opportunity to explore all the different aspects of life that are triggering us within our world, to call them forth and allow our own natural reactions to rise up, to see them for what they are and then to clean these reactive patterns through the powerful ancient Hawaiian healing technique, Ho’oponopono. The Ho'oponopono mantra is a transformative technique utilising the energies of forgiveness, love and gratitude to bring us to a place of Inner Peace and Unity.{Listen Now}
Instructor: Theresa Tzinberg
Working with the Challenges of our Times
Global problems are beyond our ability to control or change so where is our place of strength? How can we achieve 'peace of mind"? Listen to this brief talk about how to maintain your ‘peace’ during these challenging times. {Listen Now}
Instructor: Greg Tzinberg
Happiness, Compassion and the Practice of Tonglen
An introduction to the meditation practice of tonglen which focuses on developing and sending out happiness and compassion for oneself and others. {Listen Now}
Instructor: Greg Tzinberg
The Peace Prayer
Let us pray that strength and courage abundant be given
to all who work for a world of reason and understanding;
That the good that lies in every man’s heart
may day by day be magnified;
That men will come to see more clearly
not that which divides them,
but that which unites them;
That each hour may bring us closer to a final victory,
not of nation over nation,
but of men over his own errors and weaknesses;
That the true spirit of mankind – its joy, its beauty, its hope,
may live among us;
That the blessings of peace be ours – the peace to build and grow,
to live in harmony and sympathy with others,
and to plan for the future with confidence.
Blog Articles on Peace
Below are articles on peace by our meditation facilitators. You’ll find personal antidotes as well as simple and practical suggestions for cultivating peace into your life.
Current Articles on Peace
Here are some interesting articles on cultivating both inner peace and world peace.
When 1% of the world’s population meditates, all trends regarding the economy, crime and quality of life turn for the better! When 1% meditate, world peace is the natural consequence of this.
Today we are so interdependent, so closely interconnected with each other, that without a sense of universal responsibility, a feeling of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, and an understanding and belief that we really are part of one big human family, we cannot hope to overcome the dangers to our very existence - let alone bring about peace and happiness..
Mother Teresa is such an extraordinary example of Loving Kindness in Action - an inspiration to us all.
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Recommended Videos on Peace
In this short teaching video Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh talks about war and peace within us and around us, how not to be overwhelmed by the suffering within and without, and the practice of touching peace.
“Peace Train” – Yusuf / Cat Stevens’ timeless anthem of hope and unity – was originally released in 1971 . This Song Around The World version features more than 25 musicians from 12 countries and unites Yusuf and Cat Stevens.
Recommended Books on Peace
If you are interested in learning more about cultivating peace, try one of these highly rated books.
The Dalai Lama is a tremendous inspiration for upliftment during troubling times, periods of distress and uncertainty. We offer here a short compilation of quotes on Peace from HH Dalai Lama. Please enjoy!