Gratitude Sleep Meditation

Our gratitude sleep meditation is deeply relaxing and will help you to review your day with the lens of gratitude for all that occurred, positive or negative. We spend some time feeling gratitude in the deepest level of our being for all we have and all we are. Then we let go into healing sleep, while connecting to the Universe and becoming one with it. Listen tonight for a more restful and peaceful sleep.

Gratitude Sleep Meditation

There is nothing worse than tossing and turning all night and waking up the next morning fatigued and unrested. Lack of sleep can also cause anxiety and depression if it goes on night after night.

Many times, we are thinking about the events of the day that have been unfinished or unfolded in an unsatisfactory way. It’s helpful to find a way to integrate them by doing an evening review to see what happened and imagine ways for it to go better the next time. This meditation will help with that. This gratitude sleep meditation also reminds you to breathe deeply and slowly to relax the body and mind before going to sleep.

We tend to be in our heads a lot and it’s helpful to bring our attention to the sensations of the body. Eckhart Tolle recommends this visualization from his book, “The Power of Now, which helps with sleep and also strengthening the immune system. I find his method works well when you are in bed and trying to get to sleep, and also if you awaken during the night.

This exercise is from Eckhart Tolle’s book:

“’Flood’ your body with consciousness. Close your eyes. Lie flat on your back. Choose different parts of your body to focus your attention on briefly at first: hands, feet, arms, legs, abdomen, chest, head, and so on. Feel the life energy inside those parts as intensely as you can. Stay with each for fifteen seconds or so. Then let your attention run through the body like a wave a few times, from feet to head and back again. This need only take a minute or so. After that, feel the inner body in its totality, as a single field of energy. Hold that feeling for a few minutes. Be intensely present during that time, present in every cell of your body.”

Gratitude Sleep Meditation

Gratitude sleep mediation for a deep, relaxing sleep.

Enjoy this Gratitude Sleep Meditation. Sweet dreams!

Length: 21 Minutes
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Gratitude, Sleep

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