Heart Coherence Meditation

Our Heart Coherence Meditation with HeartMath breathing techniques will help you reduce stress, boost emotional stability, and enhance your overall well-being.

Heart Coherence Meditation with HeartMath breathing techniques.

Heart Coherence Meditation

What is coherence? When something is coherent, there’s a sense of wholeness, alignment and making sense. There’s a sense of things working together, whether on a social level or global level. The heart becomes more coherent when thoughts, emotions and behavior are in synch vs. thinking one way, feeling another and behaving inconsistently.

Heart incoherence inhibits brain function so that we can’t think clearly, we become over-reactive and have difficulty making decisions. Meanwhile heart coherence facilitates brain function. So, if the heart is coherent, it has a regular heart rhythm pattern and that facilitates enhanced cognition, emotional stability, and a self-regulatory capacity, improvement in short-and long-term memory, the ability to focus, process information and ability to learn. And the heart becomes coherent through positive emotions.

The heart is more powerful than the brain. It is 50-60X greater electrically and 5000X greater magnetically than the brain. The heart’s electromagnetic field changes according to various emotional states.

The better you feel emotionally, the more synergistically the heart and brain work together and the more coherent the heart will be. The opposite is true of negative or depleting emotions. Generating core heart feelings intentionally helps the body function more harmoniously.

When we’re in a coherent state we’re less likely to be affected by the negativity of others. In fact, we can disrupt the incoherence of another. Just entering a room of people can affect the hearts and brains around us.

This heart coherence meditation will begin with the heart focused breathing (inhaling 5 seconds in and 5 seconds out slowly and deeply), which is the foundation of all the HeartMath breathing techniques to regulate your heart rate. Several of the breathing techniques of HeartMath such as attitude breathing (where we change an attitude or feeling), freeze frame breathing (tackling a question or challenging issue in your life), quick coherence breathing ( where we breathe in a renewing feeling), and heart lock in ( where we send that energy out to the world) are included. This increases our synchronization to the earth’s magnetic field and to other people who are practicing meditation and becoming coherent.

Try this soothing heart coherence meditation today.

Length: 15 Minutes
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Healing, Love & Loving-Kindness, Relaxation & Stress Reduction, Self Care

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