The Lightness of Being
We have an innate wisdom that at times shines through and reveals the true nature of life as a Lightness of Being.
Lightness of being is used to describe a state of being in harmony with oneself and the surrounding world. It can be interpreted as a quality of being unencumbered by heavy emotional baggage or a sense of liberation and pure joy.
The Elusiveness of True Joy
In recent times, there has been a significant emphasis on the theme of joy. It is expressed in our well-wishing gestures, as a focus of self care, and kept at the forefront of our minds as we navigate through our commitments and reflect on the deeper meanings of our experiences. Despite these efforts, true joy is elusive. It does not seem to be easy to maintain a joyful attitude when we have so many other conflicting thoughts, fears and impulses. This difficulty suggests that true joy transcends mere emotional states; rather, it is intricately woven into the very aura of the soul, a concept supported by numerous examples.
When a loved one passes away in circumstances where there has been time to adjust, plan and talk things through often the process of death is described as joyful, peaceful and even beautiful. Then there are the times when we experience an act of spontaneous generosity. Have you ever experienced such a moment when either you or someone gracefully makes something possible that a moment before seemed out of reach? Or have you ever woken up with the feeling that everything is right and perfect with the world? These are the indicators that we have an innate wisdom that at times shines through and reveals the true nature of life as a Lightness of Being.
Moments of Transcendent Joy
Mostly we are caught in a dialogue that pits us against ourselves and the world at large. We may feel as if we should contribute money to some cause but at the very next moment, we fear not having enough for ourselves. I remember a conversation I had in the late ‘80s while living in Seattle with my friend Don.
Homelessness was becoming more and more common, and I was experiencing a dilemma around how to respond to someone on the street asking me for money. His response has stayed with me to this day. He said, “I do not believe in accidents. If someone asks me for money, I give it to them and I try not to have any more thoughts or make any judgements about it. I think our paths crossed for a reason.” His simple policy was so kind and natural, especially when compared to my own at the time. However, even Don’s practice, noble as it is, does not necessarily bring one to the experience of being a conscious soul operating in a world of dualities and opposites.
Navigating Inner Conflicts: A Conscious-Soul Perspective
To identify as a conscious soul, we need to be able to step behind what we see manifesting to the cause that generates it. Whatever the condition, circumstance, landscape or sentient life you see, try to see it through the “eyes of the soul.” Instead of judging it from an emotional standpoint appreciate it as a manifestation of the Living-Presence that creates all things. Open your mind and heart to the perfection of how things come into being while imparting some truth about the nature of life itself as it manifests.
The conscious-soul is one who understands their relationship with the One-Life and is not in conflict with any part of it. In order to make this shift we need to reach deep into our own sense of identity and experience that “Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus” that we share with all others and yet imbues us with our own life and life’s purpose. We are not separate from creation but our habits of thought, our attitudes and our actions affirm our belief that it is our personality and not the soul that guides our life.
Cultivating a Lightness of Being through Mindful Engagement
We can cultivate a Lightness of Being by being engaged observers of life around us. By not taking ourselves so seriously and by pondering the purpose (what is this or that person or humanity learning) behind each experience. This approach is an important aspect of mindfulness and helps to move us out of an emotional reactivity and into clarity of mind and heart.
The journey back to the primacy of the soul is not easy and not always joyful. We have much to unlearn but the process is the most exciting, rewarding, and interesting journey one can ever make. After all, what is more engaging than the nature of your own mind and expanding the horizons of life itself?
Cultivate a lightness of being
Recommended Guided Meditations
Meditation on Joy - a guided meditation to help you tap into joy’s true source and share with others.
Watching the Mind - As we endeavor to keep the mind focused on the mind itself we begin to see that the nature of mind is not our thoughts, rather the nature of mind is awareness.
Living Life with No Regrets - Utilising the powerful healing technique of Ho’oponopono to clean and resolve those conflicts and issues in our lives that are unresolved, all of that which stands in our way of living a life of happiness and joy.
Meditation for Cultivating Peace - a meditation to let go of any obstacles to inner peace and create a field of energy that includes peace, harmony, laughter and love.
Discover the 4 best sleep meditations to help you relax, unwind, and achieve deep, restful sleep. Perfect for beginners and anyone looking to improve their sleep quality.