The Roar of Loving Kindness: Embracing the Power Within

The Roar of Loving Kindness

The Roar of Loving Kindness

The Silent Force Amidst the Noise: Discovering Loving Kindness

In the midst of a world increasingly marked by discord and polarization, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the noise of competing voices and conflicting ideals. Yet, beneath this surface of division lies a deeper, more powerful force that has the potential to unite rather than divide—a force that whispers, and at times roars, from the depths of our being. This force is Loving Kindness, a timeless and transformative power that transcends fear and hostility, reminding us of our shared humanity. As we stand at the crossroads of uncertainty and possibility, it is through the lens of Loving Kindness that we can find the strength to heal, connect, and move forward together.

Through the lens of Loving Kindness we can find the strength to heal, connect, and move forward together.

The Journey of Lifelong Learning: Influences and Insights

Over the years, I’ve been deeply influenced by many individuals across various fields. My journey has taken me to the temples of wise Lamas, where I’ve eagerly absorbed their teachings on meditation and Buddhist practices. In the realm of organizational development, I’ve learned about group dynamics, leadership, and teambuilding. These experiences, along with others, have shaped and matured me, guiding my path through life. Looking back, I realize that my interests, choices, and efforts have always centred around one common theme: people.

I’ve always been driven by a desire to understand and ease the troubles in others’ lives. I feel a deep calling, akin to that of a teacher, to engage with people, understand their circumstances, and work on their behalf. As I navigate my own life’s journey, both inward and outward, I find myself wanting to take everyone along with me. My quest to understand life and the process of living is, at its core, an attempt to discover and embody what it truly means to be human. For me, Loving Kindness is the essence of our humanity.

Path to Loving Kindness

‘Leading with the best that is within you’, illustrate the concept of Loving Kindness.

Cultivating Inner Certainty: The Path to Authentic Action

In recent years, I’ve been presenting workshops and retreats, where I’ve used the phrase, ‘leading with the best that is within you’, to explain and illustrate the concept of Loving Kindness. Loving Kindness is more than just an attitude; it stems from a deep sense of certainty about the true nature of ourselves and others at the core of our being. But how do we develop this certainty? It doesn’t happen overnight, but it is within everyone’s reach. Certainty comes from persistent effort in two areas: first, through meditation on the true nature of the self, recognizing that our true self is not the reactive, neurotic person we often think we are. Second, by acting courageously from our authentic self, which understands itself as a timeless, fearless aspect of life.

Caring for Each Other - A wonderful story of how being there for each other is priceless.

The core of our being can be called by many names—soul, higher self, Christ within, Buddha Nature, or God. The name we give it doesn’t matter; it’s merely a label pointing to the essence of who we are. When we act from our humanity, we’re not labelling ourselves as kind, good, or skilful—those judgments may come later. In the moment, we’re simply acting with the goodness within us, reaching out to the goodness in others. Loving Kindness transcends our self-consciousness and reveals the common ground we share with all of humanity and life.

Fearless Compassion

Fearless Compassion: Responding to Ignorance with Love

The strength and power of Loving Kindness are always available to us, and there’s no time to waste. We can’t wait for external conditions to create the world our vision and humanity long for. We must begin affirming the good, the true, and the beautiful right now. Loving Kindness cannot be selectively extended only to those who agree with us. We know, more than ever, that many people are driven by fear—a fear that often masquerades as anger. But this fear is powerless in the face of basic goodness. Let fearless compassion be our answer to fear and hate. Let true patience (calm abiding) be our approach to those who rage against the circumstances they believe cause their unhappiness. Let generosity open our hands as the antidote to the shaking fist. Let joyful effort guide our actions as we strive to preserve and establish ‘Right Relationship’ in the face of forces that would undo the social and political progress of the last few decades.

People are not our enemies; ignorance is. Everyone has an innate right to their beliefs and positions. We cannot force change with motivations born of fear, anger, superiority, or indifference. Instead, let’s abandon the small voices of outrage and anxiety.

Loving Kindness in Action

Let Loving Kindness guide our hearts, leading our thoughts and actions toward a new horizon.

Let the roar of our love for all creation be heard.

Let the heart guide our thoughts and actions toward a new horizon, with Loving Kindness as the rising sun—a sun that shines from within.

This is how Loving Kindness will establish a new, more civilized world, one that offers hope to all people and freedom to each individual.


Join us for an Exclusive Event: The Power of Loving Kindness

Power of Loving Kindness Event

Exclusive Online Event >> The Power of Loving Kindness: A Journey of Transformation

We invite you to join us for a live webinar - where you'll uncover the true power of Loving Kindness - a deep, authentic energy that fosters peace, understanding, and generosity. Learn how embracing Loving Kindness can help you navigate challenges with compassion and create positive change within yourself and the world around you.

Greg Tzinberg

Greg Tzinberg has been a Buddhist student and teacher for over 35 years. Listen to one of his ‘Bite Sized’ Buddhism sessions for condensed presentations of basic concepts in Buddhist thought.


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