From Hate to Understanding: A Journey Along the Path of Loving Kindness
The story of Richard McKinney stands out because it reveals so much about the healing power of love, forgiveness and how the authentic practice of one’s principles of faith overcomes fear and ignorance.
Path of Loving Kindness Foundations Class
Path of Loving Kindness Foundations class offers a foundation to coming to know ourselves more fully, moving us towards being an embodiment and expression of the energy of Loving Kindness.
The Power of the Words We Speak
The words we speak have power. They change the brain, the body and our relationships. Words have an energy, and the power to help, to hinder, to inspire, to hurt, to create a bond, to alienate, to enlighten, or humiliate.
Aging and Ageism
We are all diminished by the negative attitudes we carry about ageing and by the practice of ageism. Older people have experienced so much, made so many life-changing decisions, gained in their wisdom, and yet we often tend to give so little of our time and attention to them.
Read full article for for ideas to reduce ageism and changing our beliefs surrounding aging.
The Rainbow Terraces Meditation – a Path of Revelation
We all have a deep longing for something more. The Rainbow Terraces Meditation is a dynamic transformative process, an inner Path which when applied regularly takes us deeper, and even closer to revelation, understanding and fulfilment.
Love to Talk, Love to Listen
Love is all around, but there are times when we find it hard to find a way to talk about our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We can make the best use of communication skills when we are prepared to both talk and to listen.
Living in Divine Presence
The ability to live with a clear and direct awareness of Divine Presence is available to everyone, not just to prophets and mystics. Developing this ability lies at the heart of all the great spiritual traditions of the world, including the western traditions.
A History of Christian Contemplative Prayer
Christian contemplative prayer has been an integral part of the Christian wisdom tradition since Jesus. Here is a brief overview of the history of Contemplative Prayer and Christian Meditation within Christianity.
Intro to Centering Prayer: Opening to God’s Presence
There is a very rich history of meditation in Christianity. Traditionally, it is called contemplative prayer and it has been practiced since the time of Jesus. Learn the simple four-steps for practicing Centering Prayer.
Relieve Anxiety with Meditation and Ho’oponopono
Anxiety relief can be close at hand through the simple, yet powerful technique of Ho’oponopono. This article is based on my own experience in helping hundreds of people manage, relieve, and release their anxiety through Ho’oponopono.
How Ho’oponopono Transforms Lives
Ho’oponopono is a technique for self-healing that people are using to transform their lives. Learn how you can use Ho'oponopono to cleanse and purify your life in a very simple and dynamic way.
Guided Sleep Meditations
Approximately one third of the world population experience insomnia each year. Our guided sleep meditations will help you relax and move into a deeper and more restful sleep.
Guided Meditations for Healing
We all have enormous potential and capacity to heal ourselves. Our guided healing meditations will help open the door to your own innate ability to work with the process of healing.
How to Get a Great Nights Sleep and Wake Up with Energy
There are many benefits to a good nights sleep. Here are some tips to sleep better, based on a mixture of research, complementary medicine techniques and experience.
Book review: How to Say Yes When Your Body Says No by Dr. Lee Jampolsky
Say yes to healing during tough health challenges. A review of Dr. Lee Jampolsky life changing book - How to Say Yes When Your Body Says No.
How Guided Imagery Helps Our Emotions, Mind and Body
Guided Imagery is a powerful tool that we can employ to enlist our brain’s capacity to react to what it believes is occurring. Learn how guided imagery reduces stress and increases your overall sense of well-being.
How to Meditate Series
A new series that covers the many considerations that go into starting a meditation practice. It provides an excellent summary and overview of topics covered in many of our classes and offerings on meditation.
Learning to Swim
Eknath Easwaran paints a beautiful picture of how swimming can help us understand the process for training our minds through the practice of meditation.
Here’s what people are saying about their experience with meditation…
We would like to share with you, comments from many of our class participants. Read testimonials from people who have attended our classes and see how meditation has made a difference in their lives.
Benefits of Meditation Discussion
At a recent Rainbow Terraces Meditation class, participants were invited to share their experience with the practice of meditation and relate the benefits they received. These comments from the participants are being shared here in the hope of inspiring others.