Rainbow Terraces Meditation
The Rainbow Terraces meditation, a guided transformative journey which enables and enhances natural healing, mindfulness and drawing upon one's innate spiritual Presence.
Some of the potential benefits in using the Rainbow Terraces Meditation:
Increases relaxation, serenity, and stress release
Transforms painful and reactive emotions
A powerful process for bringing about positive changes naturally within oneself
Gaining self-understanding and insights
Empowering your innate capacity to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
To become aware that you are not alone, by revealing and increasing your awareness of the abiding Presence within
A process to clear that which obscures the essence of love and truth (wisdom) which are characteristics of your authentic self
Rainbow Terraces meditation can be a powerful tool for relaxation, self-reflection, inner healing and spiritual growth.
During the meditation you will be guided through visualisation to experience yourself ascending a series of mountain terrace gardens. Each terrace is a different colour of the rainbow, which corresponds to a different energetic experience within your being.
We begin by sitting in a quiet place, assuming a comfortable meditation posture. Taking the time to relax the body, calm the emotions and focus the mind.
The visualisation begins with seeing yourself in a place that is special to you, a place of safety and beauty. Experience this place as fully as possible through all of your senses.
In the distance, visualise the rainbow terrace mountain and all the colours of the rainbow from the base to near the top of the mountain. The peak is covered by clouds which are ringed by a translucent golden light caused by the sun shining behind the mountain.
With each step towards the mountain, feel yourself becoming more relaxed, certain, and more centred. As you step on the path spiralling up the mountain, allow yourself to be immersed in the experience of each colour and the energy the colour represents. Steadily progress through each colour of the rainbow, moving from red to orange, yellow, green, blue and violet, and then emerging on the peak of the mountain in the Light of Presence.
Sensory awareness: As you reach each terrace you fully absorb its colour. Then allow yourself to become fully aware of all the feelings and sensations the energy evokes within you.
Reflection: At each terrace reflect on any emotions, thoughts, or insights that arise. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment and remain open to whatever experiences come up for you. Let go and allow.
Integration: As you ascend to the top and as the cloud clears, take time to bask in the combined energy of all the colours, feeling a sense of wholeness and connection to the universe. Experience the vast panorama stretching out in all directions.
Closing: When you feel ready, slowly bring your awareness down through each terrace, back to your special place. Again, become aware of your physical surroundings. Take a few deep breaths, and when you're ready, gently open your eyes.
The Rainbow Terraces meditation can be a powerful tool for relaxation, self-reflection, and supporting your inner natural healing and spiritual growth. Each terrace is related to an inner commitment and an energy chakra. Together, the combined experience promotes healing, balance and harmony within the mind, body, and spirit.
Length: 28 Minutes
Facilitator: Gay Vickers
Categories: Transformative
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