Hidden Clues in Your Clutter

Viewing clutter as insightful clues can foster self-awareness and self-love, transforming decluttering into a journey of self-discovery.

Clutter as Clues

Whenever I ask people, ‘when you think about your clutter what comes up?’

I hear very similar responses. Things like shame and embarrassment, fear and anxiety, overwhelm and helplessness, isolation and rejection. These are challenging feelings to experience, and it is understandable that we want to avoid them. If we have such strong emotional undercurrents associated with our clutter then it’s no wonder we avoid or procrastinate dealing with it. Rather than seeing clutter as something to get rid of as quickly as possible, something unwanted or a burden, perhaps consider your clutter as useful clues that can help you discover things about yourself that lead to greater self-awareness and self-love. So that we really value the process of decluttering as a process of valuable self-discovery.

A Valuable Lesson from Stiletto Boots

Lesson from a pair of stiletto boots

I learned a valuable decluttering lesson from a pair of stiletto boots!

One example from my own personal experience is the lesson I learnt from a pair of stiletto boots. Made from expensive black leather and living up to the feminine sex symbol ideal. I had intended to buy flat heeled boots comfortable for grocery shopping and the general mum activities of my life, but instead was seduced by what my partner liked. The truth was that I had hardly worn them because I found walking in heels so uncomfortable. But I can’t let them go, I thought, they were so expensive and they’re practically brand new! When I held them though it was clear there was no sense of connection or aliveness with them. I would only be keeping them because I felt I should.

Then I wondered what lesson the boots had for me. I realised that I had not stayed true to my own needs and wants. I had a habit of pleasing others that was unhelpful. The cost of the boots seemed a fair exchange for this valuable insight. Then I imagined someone who loved wearing stiletto’s finding them on the shelf of the little community op shop. Taking them home and wearing them, loving and appreciating their beauty and quality. I still felt a lurch in my stomach as I dropped them off, yet now, years later I feel only joy and appreciation at their memory.

Decluttering Mindfulness Exercise

Get to Know your Clutter

A simple mindfulness exercise to begin this process, is to get to know your clutter. You don’t have to throw anything out, just notice what comes up for you when you look at different areas of clutter. Simply accept whatever arises. If you find yourself judging or wanting to avoid it, allow that too. Be curious, ‘I wonder what I might discover…’ Notice the sensations or feelings in your body, any emotions or thoughts. What changes do you notice? There’s no need to analyse what arises. Appreciate yourself for being willing to grow and learn and having the courage to face into hard things. Keep attuned to your needs and if you sense overwhelm approaching, then give yourself permission to stop for now.

It can be helpful to journal what you discover as you declutter with mindfulness.


Declutter with Mindfulness Online Class

Over the next few weeks in the Declutter with Mindfulness classes on Zoom, you will be getting a deeper sense of why you are really wanting to declutter, as well as a clear and inspired vision of your clutter free future. Whether you are just starting out or have been decluttering for a while it is useful to refresh your purpose and vision to stay on course.

You can join in the Declutter with Mindfulness classes at any stage and there is no need to attend every week if you are not able.


Ready to embark on your decluttering journey? Join our free Declutter with Mindfulness classes on Zoom and uncover the deeper meaning behind your clutter.

Justine Hall

Join Justine Hall for her live class Declutter with Mindfulness. Register for this class and Learn the Life Changing Magical Art of Tidying. Using meditation and Mindfulness to develop your inner discernment for what things spark joy in your heart and to let go of what no longer serves with love and gratitude.


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Declutter Your Life Permanently with 4 Key Concepts