How do you use Ho’oponopono to have a better life?
Using Ho’oponopono sets us free from the past so we can create a better life for ourselves.
Through Ho’oponopono we learn that everything we perceive as being out of balance in our life is created through our own mind. Now this sounds pretty radical, and it’s a concept that a lot of people can be very opposed to… “You’re trying to tell me that I created this!?!” Well, we may not have consciously created a car accident, for example and we might say, “I was a victim of circumstance, I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.” But what was it that caused you to be in that place at that time? Just a question to encourage you to think about whether there really is such a thing as an accident, or is it that on some level we draw ourselves in to certain situations? So then of course we would say, why on earth would I do that? Why would I draw myself into a car accident? Why would I attract an illness such as cancer, diabetes, or dementia, why would I do that?
Ho’oponopono offers an opportunity to come home to who we truly are and live a better life.
The first step is to recognise that we are not doing this consciously. What happens is that all of these experiences that we move through in day-to-day life are being generated by certain aspects of our being that are holding on to memories of past experiences. These memories have caused us to take on beliefs about ourselves and our world that are detrimental to our wellbeing and perpetuating our pain and suffering. Yet through the practice of Ho’oponopono, these experiences offer an opportunity for us to come home to who we truly are. Inside every experience there is an opportunity for an awakening to a deep wisdom within us, an awakening that can help to bring us ever closer to who we truly are.
There is a part of our being that we call the negative ego, that aspect of ourselves that does everything it can to keep us separate from who we truly are. It’s the part of us that battles to look good, to be “right”, the part of us that expresses as condemnation, judgment, and criticism of ourselves and others. Whenever anything goes wrong the negative ego says, “Oh you idiot, why would you do that?” And we start the pattern of attracting more and more experiences that prove the negative ego to be right, “Yes, I am an idiot, I’ve done it again and again and again.” Then one day we wake up and realise that we are the victim of our own negative ego, the victim of our own self talk.
The powerful healing technique of Ho’oponopono cleanses and purifies our past.
It is not anyone else that’s doing this to us, we are attracting all of these experiences to ourselves. Finally, we reach that point where we say, “Aha, the gig is up!” “There is a part of me that is sabotaging me, why?” We can ask ourselves what are the beliefs that we are holding onto that are no longer serving us. What is the little voice that we can hear from long ago in our past that says, “Oh you’re so stupid, you can’t do anything right.” Or perhaps the opposite, “Butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth, you are such a goody, goody.”
Now, how can we use Ho’oponopono to have a better life? By applying the powerful healing technique of Ho’oponopono to cleanse and purify the memories of past experiences that have been the cause of our negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves.
I’m Sorry – the beginning of the healing process
The first line of the Ho’oponopono mantra is “I’m sorry”. The beginning of the healing process. It is about accepting the fact that all the “wrong” things in our life started within ourselves, our memories of past experiences. Sure, we may have been very young when someone did something to hurt us, but we are the one that perpetuated that hurt through the rest of our life. So we say to ourselves, “I’m sorry, for holding on to this memory of hurt.” “I’m sorry that I have remained trapped in that experience that happened when I was 3 years old, and here I am 53, 63, 73 or 83, still living as if that experience is alive.” But you know what, it is not alive, it is just a memory. As painful as it was when you were 3 or 5 or 7, right now, it’s just a memory. It’s the reliving of that memory that creates pain. It’s not the experience itself, its our memory of the experience. And the memory causes us to take on beliefs such as, “I don’t trust men anymore.” Or “I don’t trust strangers.” or, “I don’t feel safe walking alone on the street.” Or “I’m not worthy of love, I was told I was unlovable.” Whatever it is for you, there is a core belief that is impacting you today that was borne out of an experience long, long ago.
Ho’oponopono helps us heal so that we can move on and begin to live a better life.
Now the beauty of Ho’oponopono is that we don’t have to go back and drudge up those old memories, we just look at what is happening right now in the moment, knowing that it has its roots in our past. Right now we can clean the memories held within our subconscious quite simply by saying, “I’m sorry”, “I am so sorry that I have had to endure so much pain and suffering from that memory.” We say the words in a heartfelt way with the determination to let it go by saying, “I am done with this, I am choosing to heal on all levels”.
Please Forgive Me – setting ourselves free
Next, we ask forgiveness of ourselves. “Please forgive me.” It is the act of forgiveness that helps us to move on, to let the negativity go. As we forgive ourselves, we are releasing the bondages that hold us to other people and past experiences. Someone may have abused you when you were young, and you keep reliving the memory of it, through your current experiences, as you do, you are holding on to that bondage. But as you move through this process of forgiveness and redemption, you are letting go. If you keep trying to punish the one who hurt you, you are only hurting yourself. So, we say to ourselves, “I’m sorry, please forgive me.”
Ho’oponopono helps us forgive ourselves so that we live a better life.
I Love You – accelerating the healing process
Next, we say, “I love you.” As we give love to ourselves we are opening up to a greater compassion towards ourselves. “I love you.” Say the words, feel them. Saying the words to the beautiful innocent child within you, “I love you.” Feel yourself take your inner child into your arms, “I love you.” It doesn’t matter what you did, or didn’t do, what was done to you, what wasn’t done to you, this is about loving yourself unconditionally.
Ho’oponopono accelerates healing so that we can begin to live a better life.
Love accelerates the healing process. If you are struggling with self-love and saying the words “I love you”, go back to saying “I’m sorry, I am sorry that I am struggling to love myself, I forgive myself, please forgive me. I love you.” Work towards cultivating self-love and watch as this love begins to radiate from your being, and you start to have a greater appreciation for life. You may walk along the beach and start to recognise the beauty and joy in everything around you. You’ll start to find your relationships more fulfilling and know what it is you need to let go of and all the things to cultivate. “I love you” is the blessing of love upon ourselves.
Thank You – a breath of fresh air
We complete by saying the line, “Thank you.” This is something that needs to be said again and again, it’s like breathing fresh air into our lives. We are expressing gratitude for who we are and all that we have accomplished in life. Gratitude for finding our way to spiritual practices, meditation, and the transformation techniques that help us come back to who we are. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.
The Ho’oponopono mantra: I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
And as we say the words they spiral through our heart in a clockwise direction and then through the whole of our being. Cleansing and purifying all of those memories that are being stored within us. This is how Ho’oponopono sets us free from the past and consciously create a better life for ourselves.
Suggested Ho’oponopono Meditations and Classes
Stepping through the Door of the Heart with Ho’oponopono - in this guided meditation we take the opportunity to observe our fears and difficulties, and then cleanse our beliefs and resistances through the use of the Ho’oponopono mantra, allowing us to walk through the door of our heart and experience life anew.
Ho’oponopono Mantra – Awakening the Heart Essence - this meditation utilizes the Ho’oponopono Mantra to transform all that keeps us separate from being the full expression of our divinity in this life.
Self Love with Ho’oponopono - This Ho’oponopono meditation focuses upon cleaning those negative beliefs that stand in the way of us experiencing spiritual love – that which we call “self love”.
The Meaning of the Ho’oponopono Mantra - In this class we explore the concept of mindfulness and how we can utilise the Ho’oponopono technique in order to live life more fully within the present moment.
Click to view all our Ho’oponopono meditations.
The Ho'oponopono Mantra is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique with hidden powers to transform our lives. Learn more about how you can apply this healing mantra to transform your life.