Morning Gratitude Affirmations
Morning gratitude affirmations can have a profound effect upon your health and wellbeing.
Morning gratitude affirmations are a powerful yet simple way to cultivate more gratitude in our lives. It has been scientifically proven* that incorporating a regular practice of gratitude in our lives can have a profound effect upon our health and wellbeing, our relationships and our general happiness in life.
But where to begin? A very simple yet powerful practice is morning gratitude affirmations. Affirmations are positive phrases that we can either say out loud or in our head. The phrases are written in a way that will re-orient our thinking to be more positive, loving and kind towards ourselves and others. The sounding of the words will help to lift the vibratory frequency of our body, our emotions and our mind. What a tremendous way to begin our day!
When we begin an affirmation practice we will often start to recognise the oppositional thoughts that arise within us. For example, we may say “I love myself”, and the voice that follows in our head may be “no I don’t, I am not worthy of love.” But it is important to stay the course, the sounding of these positive phrases will have a transformative affect within you. What I have found to be very beneficial is to incorporate the use of the Ho’oponopono technique to cleanse and purify the negative beliefs and thoughts that rise up. Find out more about the Ho’oponopono technique.
A very simple yet powerful practice is morning gratitude affirmations.
Morning Gratitude Affirmations
What follows is a series of Morning Gratitude Affirmations that I have put together, along with a brief commentary for each one. It is really important to have an understanding of the affirmations we are saying and to focus your positive intention on the meaning of it.
“Thank you for this new day.”
Imagine starting the day expressing gratitude. We are recognising it’s a new day, it doesn’t matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day and “I am grateful to be awakening into this new day.”
“I know each day is a blessing and a gift.”
We don’t know which day will be our last day here on planet earth and so each day is a blessing and a gift. Why is it a gift? Because every experience we move through today offers us an opportunity to acquire greater wisdom. To grow and evolve.
“I am filled with happiness and gratitude.”
We are using the words “I am”, not “I want to be”, or “I’d like to be”, we are saying “I am filled with happiness and gratitude.” So it is a positive declaration to every part ofour being that we are filled with happiness andgratitude.
“I am grateful to feel the air in my lungs and the beating of my heart.”
Just pause and be grateful for the feeling of the air in your lungs and the beating of your heart. The beating of our heart can remind us that we are all connected as one. Feel the beat of your heart and then feel through your feet the beating of the earth, and recognise that it is one and the same, we are beating with the earth herself. Doesn’t that evoke awe and gratitude?
“I am thankful simply for being alive.”
We are saying that we really appreciate this thing we call life. What is life, what does it mean to be alive? To be alive to me means to be filled with life, to be filled with my soul. To be vibrating with the love of my soul. We can still be living a life, walking through life but very dead inside because we have closed ourselves off to this innate perfection within our being, our spirituality. So to be alive is to be filled with the presence of our soul. So I am thankful simply for being alive. You could change this to “I am thankful for being alive within the presence of my soul.”
“Thankfulness, appreciation and sincere gratitude are part of who I am.”
Once again, it’s a declaration, it’s claiming that part of our identity. I am thankful, I am appreciative, and I have sincere gratitude. We are reprogramming our thoughts and emotions by sounding these words. Saying them out loud if you can.
“I am grateful for who I am and for what I have.”
Recognising that we are so much more than our thoughts and beliefs about who we are and what we have. There is a Divine nature deep within our heart, that which is the life essence of our being. And for this, we are truly grateful.
“I invite gratitude into my heart.”
Just say the words and then feel the energy of the words in your heart. This affirmation turns us around instantly. All that we have to be grateful for will cleanse and purify all of our judgements and criticisms.
Morning Gratitude Affirmations
“Today I will have an attitude of gratitude.”
You can use this as a mantra to sound throughout the day. “Today I have an attitude of gratitude.” And tomorrow we say the same again, “today I have an attitude of gratitude.” It has been proven that gratitude in itself actually cultivates love, compassion and generosity within us. Gratitude is that which resolves mental illness, emotional illness and physical illness. But we have to recognise what we are grateful for, and then cultivate that. It’s like a beautiful lotus flower deep within our heart that is closed up and as we express gratitude for who we are it is like sunlight shining upon the lotus flower, and the little petals begin to open up, exposing the radiance and the beauty of who we are. But if we are busy judging and condemning, this lotus flower will remain closed for its own protection.
“Thank you for the blessings this day will bring.”
What if we were looking at life and every experience we move through in life as a blessing? Even the so-called negative experiences that we move through have a blessing or gift within them. But we need to step back and see through new eyes. Through the eyes of gratitude, love and compassion. So we say thank you for the blessings this day will bring.
Click here to download a copy of these morning gratitude affirmations.
So these are the morning gratitude affirmations that I have put together, but I encourage you to write your own. Think about the impact that beginning your day with the sounding of affirmations of gratitude will have.
It is also a great practice to journal throughout the day, to write down what you have to be grateful for. What are you grateful for in this moment? And then asking yourself why. “Why am I grateful for this?” Keep going deeper and deeper. Below all the superficial things, for example, “I’m grateful that I have a house to live in”, great, but go deeper and deeper until you finally get deep into the core of your being and truly recognise “I am grateful for life itself, I am grateful for all that I am.” Then celebrate life. Life becomes a pure and joyful ceremony. Moving through every experience, moment to moment with gratitude bubbling forth from your heart. We then become an influence of good in our world.
Morning Gratitude Meditation
I would now like to introduce you to a Morning Gratitude Meditation practice that I have recorded, it runs for about 10 minutes, and it offers an opportunity to begin the day by expressing gratitude for all that we are and all that we are a part of. We dedicate the day to the celebration of life.
Morning Gratitude Affirmations
* Scientific Research on the Benefits of Gratitude
There are many organisations that have researched the benefits of Gratitude, here are some links to just a few:
35 Scientific Benefits of Gratitude: Mental Health Research Findings:
Start or enhance your gratitude practice with one of our guided gratitude meditations.
Visit our Gratitude Compilation page to learn more about the benefits of gratitude.
A gratitude jar is an easy and meaningful way to cultivate the practice of gratitude in your daily life.